Project Start

The following is necessary for all websites and microsites.

Please provide all numbers 1 through 5.

  1. Site Meta Title (try to keep 60 characters or under)
  2. Site Meta Description (try to keep 160 characters or under)
  3. Site Favicon. For most cases, provide a big square (400x400) that still looks good when scaled down to 32x32. From there, I can use modern favicon techniques to generate differently sized favicons for mobile and desktop.
  4. Site Share Graphic. Per Facebook: "Use images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display on high resolution devices. " It does not need to be this proportion, but doing this saves some headaches. The minimum size if you can't or don't want to do this size is 200x200.
  5. Analytics - Typically a Google Analytics or GTM ID, but sometimes another analytic service is used instead (or in addition).


For more information on the default server setup, see our Default Server Notes.

For more information on social sharing, see our Social Share Bible.